Gerrie Gray
V.P of Land Acquisition & Development
Miramonte Homes, LLC Designated Broker
Gerrie Gray has spent over fourteen years in the home building industry, bringing an invaluable can-do attitude to Miramonte. Her experience in project management has allowed her to serve Miramonte in various capacities including forward planning, land development, land acquisition, sales and marketing, on-site project management and homeowner’s association management.
Gerrie interfaces with engineers and contractors. She also represents Miramonte at public planning sessions and city council meetings.
Gerrie is an active Southern Arizona Home Builders Association (SAHBA) member. She serves on the Advisory Committee and SAHBA Tech Committee.
Prior to joining the home building industry, Gerrie spent 17 years working in a variety of roles at various engineering firms in Tucson.
Gerrie currently has a Certified Graduate Builder Designation from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), and is an Associate Broker.