Building Excellence Since 1992 with Miramonte Homes
Since 1992, Miramonte has been devoted to constructing the finest new home communities, rental communities, and commercial properties. Today, we uphold our legacy of exceeding expectations by developing superior living spaces and commercial environments, all while delivering outstanding customer service. Experience the difference that over three decades of dedication and commitment to quality can make in your next home or business venture.
Since 1992, Miramonte Homes has been building the finest homes and commercial properties across the state of Arizona. Today, the company continues its pursuit of exceeding home buyers’ expectations through supplying superior homes and outstanding customer service.

Experience Makes a Difference
Quality is our cornerstone
Miramonte stands as a hallmark of craftsmanship, value, and customer focus. Whether the task requires seamlessly blending specific environmental and cultural elements into 21st Century architectural design, working closely with each customer to realize a perfect, yet affordable space, Miramonte provides an exceptional building experience.
Miramonte’s portfolio spans the entire range of the building continuum. From high-density, urban multi-family dwellings to semi-custom and 1st move-up communities to Miramonte’s visually-stunning business, office and warehouse spaces. Contact us today about our Build-to-Rent Investment Opportunities!
Miramonte manages all aspects of construction from land development to final delivery. Owned by Chris Kemmerly and led by a team with more than a century of combined experience, Miramonte Communities is a fully-integrated builder with unparalleled scope, resources and capabilities.


Every Miramonte home comes with an express 10-year Insured Builder’s Limited Warranty that is clear and specific.
We put our promises in writing with an insurance-backed warranty that is concise and easy to understand. We have partnered with Professional Warranty Service Corporation (PWSC) to administer this warranty which is backed directly by Steadfast Insurance, a member of Zurich North America Group.